Sampad Jatua
Note : Please use capital letters only
We Samiran Jatua and Sanali Halder Jatua do admit our son/daughter whose particulars are given below as a student at Rupkala of excellene wish.
1. Student Personal Details :
1.1 Student Name : Sampad Jatua
1.2 Date of Birth : 23/05/2018- (23 May 2018)
1.3 Gender : Male
1.4 Religion : Hindu
1.5 Caste : SC
1.6 Nationality : Indian
1.7 Aadhar No :
1.8 Mother Tongue : Bengali
2. Residential address and family information :
2.1Village: Rajpur
Post Office: Nayabad ,
Police Station: Mathurapur,
City : Mathurapur,
State: West Bengal,
Pin Code: 743354
2.2 Father:
Full Name: Samiran Jatua
Educational Qualification: B.A passed
Profession: Bangal Police
Phone No: 7584881354
2.3 Mother:
Full Name: Sonali Halder Jatua
Educational Qualification: B.A (D.L.E.D)Passed
Profession: Teacher
Phone No: 9732961967
3.Student's Qualification:
Details Of Last Examination Passed (If Any)
Class Name: : Nursery.....,...... (Passed Class)
Name Of The School : Star kid K.G School
School Address :Karanjali
Session :
Present Class : LKG
Year: 2023
4. Applicable Class /Course Name : KID-2
5. Session: 2023-2024
6. Admission Date: 10/02/2023
7. Class/Course Time: One Year
8. Select High Secondary Department : Drawing & Painting
9. General Rules & Regulations
Your kind consideration and cooperation will best appreciated for your assistance As parents/guardians to ensure that the following rules & regulations are observed.
9.1 Age Criteria For Schooler Admission Decking in:
Pre-Secondary: Age 3+ on the first day of school
9.2 School time schedule
Select right any two time that want for training
9.3 School Timing
9.3.1 Regular attendance and punctuality are desired. In case of long absence a medical certificate should best produced. In case of absent " a permission letter approval" should be produced.
9.3.2 student should not arrive at school before school time As thare will be no one to supervise then at that time.
9.3.3 Please be punctual for arrival & departure timings of school.
Declaration :
Name of news paper website name of the magazine others(please specify)/ hoarding/ pamphlets/word of mouth/ catalogue l,..................................have the authority of admit my child/ward...................................... into the school As the necessary for any reason. I declare that the statement provided in this application are correct to my knowledge and If found otherwise. I shall abide by the management. I agree to abide by the rules. Regulation and the fee structure of the school.
For School Office Use Only
10. Checklist :
(All documents are mandatory at the time of )
10.1 Copy Of Birth Certificate:
10.4 Copy Of Aadhar card:
Signature of student :