ছবি আঁকতে কি কি প্রয়োজন হয় ?
ছবি আঁকার জন্য শিল্পী যে মনোভাবের প্রকাশ করেন , তার জন্য প্রধান দরকার হল ।
(১) করণ ( Tools ),
(২) উপকরণ ( Materials ),
(৩) প্রকরণ ( Technique )।
(১) করণ ( Tools )
ছবি আঁকার করণগুলি হল - কাগজ, কাপড়, ড্রইং বোর্ড, দেয়াল, ইজেল, বোর্ডপিন, রবার, পেন্সিল, প্যালেট, তুলি, জল ও তেল রঙের পাত্র, স্প্যাচুলা নাইফ, ব্লেড বা পেন্সিল কাটার ছুরি, ইত্যাদি।
(২) উপকরণ ( Materials )
জল, জলরঙ, তেলরঙ, স্পিরিট, তারপিন তেল, লিনসিড অয়েল ( তিল তেল ) ইত্যাদি ।
(৩) প্রকরণ ( Technique )
এক্রাইলিক পেইন্ট
ব্ল্যাকলাইট পেইন্ট
এনকাস্টিক পেইন্ট
ল্যাটেক্স পেইন্ট
তেলে আঁকা
কালি ধোয়া (সুমি-ই)
টেম্পেরা বা পোস্টার পেইন্ট
ভিনাইল পেইন্ট (বিষাক্ত/বিষাক্ত)
ভিট্রিয়াস এনামেল
Art material and tools
Art material and tools
Drawing Medium
Common drawing materials
- Acrylic paint
- Chalk
- Charcoal
- Conté
- Crayon
- Gouache
- Graphite
- Ink
- Oil paint
- Glass paint
- Pastel
- Pixel
- Sketch
- Tempera
- Watercolor
- Glitter
- Oil paint
- Glass paint
- Pastel
- Pixel
- Sketch
- Tempera
- Watercolor
- Glitter
Common supports (surfaces) for drawing
- Canvas
- Card stock
- Concrete
- Fabric
- Glass
- Human body
- Metal
- Paper
- Plaster
- Scratchboard
- Stone
- Vellum
- Wood
Common drawing tools and methods
- Brush
- Finger
- Pen
- Ballpoint pen
- Fountain pen
- Gel pen
- Technical pen
- Marker
- Pencil
- Mechanical pencil (clutch, screw, and ratchet)
- Colored pencil
- Stylus
- Charcoal
Common paint media
- Acrylic paint
- Blacklight paint
- Encaustic paint
- Fresco
- Gesso
- Glaze
- Gouache
- Ink
- Latex paint
- Oil paint
- Primer
- Ink wash (sumi-e)
- Tempera or poster paint
- Vinyl paint (toxic/poisonous)
- Vitreous enamel
- Watercolor
Uncommon paint media
- Various bodily fluids and excrement including elephant dung
- Solar energy
- Garlic
- Rust
- Coffee
- Onion
- Coconut juice
- Mud
- Black palm
- Tomato
- Soy sauce
- Staple wire
- Ochre (Yellow, red, white or charcoal)
Supports for painting
- Architectural structures
- Canvas
- Ceramics
- Cloth
- Glass
- Human body (typically for tattoos)
- Metal
- Paper
- Paperboard
- Vellum
- Wall
- Wood
Common tools and methods
- Action painting
- Aerosol paint
- Airbrush
- Batik
- Brush
- Cloth
- Paint roller or paint pad
- Palette knife
- Sponge
- Pencil
- Finger
Mural techniques
Muralists use many of the same media as panel painters, but due to the scale of their works, use different techniques. Some such techniques include:
- Aerosol paint
- Digital painting
- Fresco
- Image projector
- Mosaic
- Pouncing
- Cement, concrete, mortar
- Cob
- Glass
- Metal
- Stone, brick
- Wood
- Adhesives
- Wood (timber)
- Bone china
- Clay
- Glaze
- Porcelain
- Pottery
- Terracotta
In photography a photosensitive surface is used to capture an optical still image, usually utilizing a lens to focus light. Some media include:
- Digital image sensor
- Photographic film
- Potassium dichromate
- Potassium ferricyanide and ferric ammonium citrate
- Silver nitrate
In the art of printmaking, "media" tends to refer to the technique used to create a print. Common media include:
- Aquatint
- Collotype
- Computer printing
- Dye-sublimation printer
- Inkjet printer
- Laser printer
- Solid ink printer
- Thermal printer
- Embossing
- Engraving
- Etching
- Intaglio (printmaking)
- Letterpress (literature)
- Linocut
- Lithography
- Mezzotint
- Moku hanga
- Monotype
- Offset printing
- Photographic printing
- Planographic printing
- Printing press
- Relief printing
- Linocut
- Metalcut
- Relief etching
- Wood engraving
- Woodcut
- Screen-printing
- Woodblock printing
In sculpting, a solid structure and textured surface is shaped or combined using substances and components, to form a three-dimensional object. The size of a sculptured work can be built very big and could be considered as architecture, although more commonly a large statue or bust, and can be crafted very small and intricate as jewellery, ornaments and decorative reliefs.
Carving media
- Bone carving
- Bronze
- Gemstones
- Glass
- Granite
- Ice
- Ivory
- Marble
- Plaster
- Stone
- Wax
- Wood
Casting media
- Cement
- Ceramics
- Metal
- Plaster
- Plastic
- Synthetic resin
- Wax
Modeling media
- Clay
- Papier-mâché
- Plaster
- polystyrene
- Sand
- Styrofoam
Assembled media
- Beads
- Corrugated fiberboard (cardboard)
- Edible material
- Foil
- Found objects
- Glue and other adhesives
- Paperboard
- Textile
- Wire
- Wood
Finishing materials
- Acids to create a patina (corrosive)
- Glaze
- Polychrome
- Wax
- Bristle brush
- Chisel and hammer (modern pneumatic)
- Clamp or vise
- Hammer or mallet (modern pneumatic)
- Kiln for heating ceramics and metals
- Knife
- Pliers
- Potter's wheel
- Power tools
- Sandpaper
- Saw
- Scraper
- Snips
- Welding and cutting torch
- Wirecutter